
How can I get more positive reviews on TripAdvisor?

Undoubtedly, being or not being on TripAdvisor really makes a difference. With over 570 million reviews, the feedback collection portal exerts a lot of influence in the decision-making process of any consumer who wants to book a holiday or dinner at a restaurant with friends. A recent study conducted by Comscore, found that around 60% of travelers consult TripAdvisor before making a reservation.
However, will the presence on TripAdvisor be enough to make sure you have a good number of guests or do you need to take care of your image and optimize your online reputation as well?

How does TripAdvisor’s popularity ranking work?

First of all, it is necessary to be aware of how the popularity ranking works.
This ranking is based on three precise values: quality, quantity, topicality.
So, it is very important that you have many reviews (quantity), many positive reviews (quality) and frequenlty added reviews (topicality).
Quality, recent publication and quantity of reviews are essential to improve or maintain a positive indicator in the ranking. To stay in the top positions you need to make sure that your facility constantly gets a lot of new positive reviews.
As TripAdvisor says:

“The popularity ranking algorithm is designed to provide a statistical measure of trust regarding current experience at a facility. The number of reviews accumulated by a facility over time is directly proportional to the amount of information on the potential experience that consumers can expect. Once we reach a significant volume of reviews, we can more accurately predict the position of the facility in the ranking.”

So, a small hotel which does not have many rooms will not be penalized against a chain that having a larger number of guests is able to potentially collect even more reviews.
Thanks to Customer Alliance, you have the solution to collect and monitor TripAdvisor reviews through automated processes.

How to climb the ranking?

Collect more positive reviews regularly by inviting your guests to TripAdvisor. Thanks to our partnership with the portal it’s even easier!
You can redirect all your guests and invite them to review the facility directly on TripAdvisor, even if they do not have an account. Basically, the whole process to leave a review on TripAdvisor is simplified: the data of the guests you have included in the Customer Alliance backend (name, email, city, etc.) are directly copied in the TripAdvisor questionnaire.

This increases the likelihood of guests leaving a review: a simple process always produces better results! Guest data will be shared between Customer Alliance and TripAdvisor only if the guest gives their consent.

Keep your online reputation under control

In addition to collecting reviews, it is essential to check what guests write about us. So, do not limit yourself to inviting your guests to review the facility, but also remember to regularly analyze your online reputation.
Customer Alliance helps you to monitor the content of your reviews through statistical and semantic analysis. This way you can always have a detailed overview of what is said about you on the web.
But that’s not all! We also give you the opportunity to analyze your position and that of your competitors in the TripAdvisor City Ranking.

Can I only post positive reviews on TripAdvisor?

TripAdvisor is an open portal, which means that everyone can potentially write about their experience, whether positive or negative. We believe that a negative review, if managed in the right way, can be a very positive asset for your marketing strategy. TripAdvisor also reports a study conducted by Phocuswright, which states that 85% of users believe that a good response to a negative review adds value to the hotel. Moreover, still taking into account the data of the study mentioned above, 65% of users consider themselves more inclined to book a facility that responds to the reviews of their guests.

What more could you ask for?

Start now to better manage your online reputation. Request a free consultation of our solution below and climb the TripAdvisor City Ranking!

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